Please keep the following people in prayer:
Recent Deceased: Brett Binns, Rita Polacek, Mary Puppo, Norma Ligas, Margaret Angeloff, Frank Mekina, Marilyn White, Dolores Furraitti, Sam Williams, Bea Kosick, Annalee Fondreist, Joyce Hudacko, Don Slack, Joanne Caperones, Phil Doell, Steve Jursik, Denny Franz, Dorothy Purdy, Don Bolender (father of Julie Droppleman), Sherwin “Woody” Alberts, Richard Reese, James Fisher (son of Joan Fisher).
Good Health: Dale Mastin, Margaret Nahacky,Carol Birkbeck, Cathy Lewis, Tim Riehl, Rich Symanski, Veronica Oravec, Lorranne Hoffman, Linda Moeller, Bill Forshey, Tom Cavanaugh, Bill McCleland, Dan Binns, Danny Aldridge, Anita Buskey, Carol Somodi, David Willlis, Jim Herold.
Please remember all the people named in the Book of Intentions in the Church vestibule plus those undergoing any medical procedures/therapy this week from our parish community.
Prayer is powerful: Prince of Peace Prayer Line
Prince of Peace Prayer Email Chain
If you are interested in joining, please contact Sherri Shaffer.
All you need to do is share your name and email address
A prayer request is shared with Sherri at [email protected]
She will email the entire Prayer Group which currently consists of 25 parishioners.